In the heart of Rajasthan, cradled amid the rugged landscape, lies Jawai Bera, a peaceful haven where leopards reign supreme. Here, between the rocky outcrops and thorny scrub, locals have developed a unique & strong bond with these elusive felines, setting an excellent example for the world.
On the occasion of International Day of Leopards, let's learn about some invaluable lessons from the locals of Jawai Bera who share their homes with these majestic creatures.
The Leopard Country
Last September, I went to Jawai Bera to witness these enchanting creatures.
The Aravalli mountains of the Palli District of Rajasthan, India surround Jawai. Huge brown boulders & cactus-like shrubs add to the scenic landscapes of Jawai Bera.
In Jawai Bera, the coexistence between humans and leopards is not just a matter of proximity but of mutual respect and understanding. The locals, known as the Rabaris, have cultivated a deep connection with these predators. They don't view them as threats but they consider them an integral part of their community.
Rabaris are a semi-nomadic shepherding community & have peacefully co-existed with the leopards for centuries. They often graze their livestock in the leopard territories. They bear no grudge against these animals as they consider them as they are their guardians and worship them.
Our nature guide, Govind Prajapati, told us that there are around 60 leopards in Jawai Bera. He also further told us there are no poaching cases in Rajasthan. Leopards also help in protecting the fields from boars. He also mentioned that no leopards have attacked any humans. This indicates that these elusive predators & humans have deep mutual respect towards each other.
Mr Naman Gehlot, the owner of Jawai Greens, specified that the hilly terrains & chiselled boulders create perfect cool caves for leopards, hyenas & jackals. In 2003, the Government of India declared Jawai Dam as a leopard conservation area to safeguard the landscape and habitat of Leopards.
Throughout the years, handed-down wisdom and tales depict a profound respect for leopards, often portraying them as symbols of strength and resilience. Moreover, the locals of Jawai Bera actively participate in conservation efforts, recognizing the importance of preserving the delicate ecosystem that supports both their livelihoods and the survival of the leopards.
Collaborating with wildlife authorities and conservation organizations, they advocate for sustainable practices and habitat protection, ensuring a future where humans and leopards can thrive together.
Rabaris have inspired us through their resilient spirit. Their harmonious coexistence serves as a ray of hope, reminding us of the significant impact of respect, empathy & cooperation in fostering a world where humans & wildlife can share the planet in harmony.
A Quick Review & Appreciation Note
I would like to thank my nature guide Mr Govind Prajapati for thrilling yet safe leopard safaris. Mr Naman Gehlot, who took care of us as his family members at Jawai Greens. I would highly recommend his homestay to experience a comfortable warm stay in Jawai Bera. Jawai Greens is nestled in many lush green trees, the owners are staunch environmentalists and actively participate in conserving nature and wildlife.
Last but not least, I thank Aranyamie Wilderness Safaris & Mr Devendra Gogate, whom I fondly call DD ( Devendra Dada) for arranging our accommodation & safaris so beautifully. I would also highly recommend all wildlife lovers to experience the nature and essence of wildlife with Aranyamie Wildlife Safaris.